
Interested in subscribing to our newsletter?

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Each quarter, we put together some updates about the Expo as well as STEM activities to try out and learn the science behind it, and always include some resources to explore on your own!

Follow along with us as we make our way towards the Expo!

Wondering what to do in between newsletters?

Head on over to YouTube with our new channel, Engie Does STEM! Join us as we adventure the land of STEM and learn that it can be as fun as it is exciting!

Winter 2025

This season’s issue is all about construction and building big ideas, with some sky-high concepts for you to try at home. We'd love for you to share pictures of you trying them out! Just tag us on facebook or instagram @wichitaswe, or send us an email at

Fall 2024

Blast off into exciting outer space themed experiments this season! You get to make shooting stars in a jar and even try out a space lander challenge! There are tons of fun things to try out in this newsletter and maybe even spark interest to have a future astronaut in your household!

March 2024

Get excited for Engineering Expo this April 6th! We have an assortment of exciting activities planned for the event, including balancing butterflies, button making, drones, hovercrafts, lava lamps, slime, spaghetti & marshmallow structures, stick bombs, string telephones, tin foil boats, water bead stress balls, wind tunnel, and so much more! Until then, check out some fun activities and hear what people said from previous year’s Expos!

February 2024

Learn all about important dates this month as well as some awesome activities. You can make slime, try out a scavenger hunt, or even learn how to get involved for super bowl!

Winter 2023

Get cozy for this season’s newsletter and learn how to make snow candles! This fun craft makes the most of a snowy day and keeps the spirits bright once you light it inside. You can also check out previous Expo booths like making your own Lava Lamps and Slime. Get excited for Expo and check out this season’s newsletter!


Spring 2020

Happy month of Expo! We’re so excited to share some fun activities and information regarding the Expo coming up! You can learn how to grow your own Easter basket, make rainbow rain, and even work on a very special puzzle. You get to hear from ICT’s very own Engineer, Singer, and Entrepreneur Roy Moye III! So jump on in and get as pumped as we are to celebrate our 22nd annual Engineering Expo!

Winter 2020

Get cozy for this season’s newsletter and learn how to make hexaflexagons! This fun craft helps you understand how shapes interact with each other and the secrets they may keep. Enjoy a word search puzzle and listen to one of our own Expo committee members, Shaina, talk about the award she recently received. You can also create your very own Pomander and make your house smell delicious or gift one to a friend over the holidays. Either way, this newsletter is a fun read!

Fall 2019

As we prepare for school to be back in session, we discuss homework tips that will help keep you focused and on the path to success. Cindy Hoover, Vice President and Chief Engineer for Operations at Spirit Aerosystems and President of SWE, discusses her path to success in our seasonal interview. Click below to get the newsletter and see what Cindy had to say!

Summer 2019

The 2019 Engineering Expo was a wild success and this newsletter will get you excited for 2020! We discuss how the event went as well as including exciting summer activities for the kids! Get excited for summer and learn to make tie dye flowers and sun dials and come back for more in our fall newsletter!

Spring 2019

It’s the month of Expo and we’re so excited to share some things with you to prepare for the big day. We’ve also interviewed three Expo planning committee members. Click below to read the full interviews!

Winter 2019

Cozy up with some hot cocoa this winter season as you check out this newsletter! You get to play a game involving snowmen, make edible Christmas trees, as well as hear more about the Expo! With just a few short months until the big day, we’ve been working hard to ensure this year is better than ever, so stay tuned. You also get to hear from Kierra, our scholarship recipient. Click below to read the full interview!

Spooky Scientist.jpg

Fall 2018

This season, it’s all about spooky science! We explore different densities of various creepy liquids as well as make magic crystals. We update you on the start of our Expo planning and even link to some cool YouTube channels to check out!